Citizens United for Responsible Growth

To establish a Network of neighborhood associations and alliances, concerned individuals, and other organizations, working to protect the interests of the citizens of Leon County and Tallahassee on issues concerning, but not limited to, neighborhood impacts, stormwater, conservation, environmental protection, growth management, governmental fiscal responsibility, transportation, location and capacity issues affecting educational facilities, and other issues affecting our general quality of life.

This Network will monitor and participate in various aspects of local government, such as: City and County Commission meetings and workshops, LPA actions, Planning Commission actions, and any other boards, organizations, or committees formed under the direction of local government which may impact any of the Network's issues.

The Network will act as an educator and distributor of information to its members concerning matters of mutual interest, and advocate actions to be taken.

It is anticipated that this Network, through the dissemination of information in a timely manner, will provide a broad base of mutual support and influence -- countywide -- on issues impacting individual members.